With the easterly winds and settled conditions of the last week gradually fizzling out migrant interest diminished quite conspicuously today. Ring Ouzels still featured, with at least 4 at Verne Common and another single at the Bill, Redstarts numbered at least 10 around the island and a new Black Redstart showed up at the Bill, but commoner fare were only thinly spread on the ground in comparison with recent days. Visible passage included 7 Yellow Wagtails, 5 Tree Pipits and a Kestrel through over sites around the north of the island/Chesil but the likes of hirundines in particular were much less plentiful than might have been expected. To add to the general air of disappointment at what was on offer even the sea didn't come up with the goods in seemingly decent conditions, with Chesil's return of 52 Common Scoter, 27 Common Terns, 20 Brent Geese, 2 Red-throated Divers, 2 Arctic Skuas, a Grey Plover and a Whimbrel far better the Bill's meagre list in reduced visibility.
Another single Clouded Yellow was at the Bill where the first Wall Brown of the year was also on the wing.
Rhizostoma jellyfish - Portland Bill, 10th April 2015 © Ted Pressey
...for the second year in succession good numbers of large jellyfish are appearing in Portland waters - this impressive specimen was one of a dozen or more off West Cliffs below the auk colony.