Whilst we're sure there's a fair bit of mileage left in the autumn, today was again rather disappointing. Thrushes accounted for the bulk of the new arrivals at the Bill/Southwell, where 38 Redwings and 10 Fieldfares were amongst the thinnish spread of Blackbirds and Song Thrushes; new singles of Blackcap and Chiffchaff were trapped and ringed, while 4 Purple Sandpipers, 3 Short-eared Owls, a Black Redstart and a Goldcrest were lingerers/winterers. Odds and ends elsewhere included a Firecrest at Pennsylvania Castle, 2 Blackcaps and another Firecrest at Easton Fire Station and 2 Black Redstarts and the Black Guillemot at Portland Castle.
A Hummingbird Hawk-moth was on the wing at Blacknor, whilst another small arrival of new immigrants saw totals of 10 Diamond-back Moth, 7 Rusty-dot Pearl, 5 Silver Y and a Pearly Underwing caught overnight at the Obs; an Olive-tree Pearl was the pick of the catch at the Grove.