A day of almost uniformly foul conditions: a blasting south-easterly and, bar a short period during the morning, constant rain or drizzle. An early flurry of migrants at Blacknor, including 80 Fieldfares, 55 Redwings and a Swallow, gave hope that there'd been a more general fall but once the rain eased searches elsewhere revealed nothing beyond a Wheatear lingering on at the Bill and a Black Redstart at Portland Castle. Gannets were on the move in quantity off the Bill but seawatching otherwise came up with nothing more than 11 Common Scoter and a rare winter record of a Puffin there and a Wigeon through off Chesil. Yesterday's Long-tailed Duck had moved into Portland Harbour, where there were also 3 Great Northern Divers, 2 Black-necked Grebes, a Teal, a Common Scoter and the Black Guillemot, whilst 4 Knot were at Ferrybridge.
In the wild weather overnight moth-trapping at the Obs produced just 3 individual moths, of which 2 were Rusty-dot Pearls.
Black-necked Grebe - Portland Harbour, 11th November 2014 © Pete Saunders