Although there was no overall change to the prevailing mild, damp, southerly airflow it seemed as though there were enough longer clear spells between the bands of rain overnight to allow a few late migrants to get moving. A small arrival of thrushes included 16 Redwings and several new Song Thrushes and Blackbirds at the Bill, where singles of Snipe and Blackcap were also fresh in; 4 Chiffchaffs, a Blackcap and a Goldcrest were also newcomers at Southwell where the day's headline rarity - Portland's 13th Dusky Warbler - showed up at Avalanche Road. Further interest from the land came in the form of a Merlin at the Bill, a Great Spotted Woodpecker at Southwell, a Firecrest at Pennsylvania Castle, a likely Siberian Chiffchaff heard calling at Tradecroft and single Black Redstarts at Church Ope Cove and Portland Castle. Sea passage was limited to 16 Common Scoter, 5 Brent Geese and a Red-throated Diver through off the Bill; 3 Great Northern Divers, the Long-tailed Duck and the Common Scoter were also still in Portland Harbour.
The overnight immigrant moth tally at the Obs consisted of 3 Rusty-dot Pearl, a Diamond-back Moth and a Silver Y.
Kingfisher - Portland Harbour, 12th November 2014 © Pete Saunders
Sadly, the Dusky Warbler was true to form in affording only occasional glimpses and eluding attempts at obtaining any sort of meaningful record photo; however it was at times quite vocal and amongst the sound recordings Sean Foote's of it at its noisiest shortly after he'd discovered it and Joe Stockwell's of it with an extraneous Robin and Herring Gull are well worth a listen: