Despite the grim overnight conditions immigrant numbers bounced back in the moth-traps, with 73 Marbled Piercer, 43 Diamond-back Moth, 3 Vagrant Piercer, 2 Rush Veneer and singles of Maiden's Blush, Cream-bordered Green Pea and Silver Y, together with 2 Common Darter dragonflies, logged at the Obs.
Finally, whilst away last week we missed the opportunity to pass on everyone's thanks to the staff and volunteers who oversaw such a stunningly successful breeding season for the Little Terns at Ferrybridge; John Dadds kindly passed us this summary: 'It has been another fantastic record breaking year with 33 pairs nesting (up from 25 last year) and producing between 50 and 60 fledglings 1.5-1.8 productivity) which as well as beating last years record breaking productivity of 1.2 is also the highest number of fledglings since records began, the previous best being around 40 when the colony was much bigger. The majority of birds settled on the sand patches provided and the rest had sand put under the eggs. This, along with the mostly good weather, lead to a very high hatching rate with 68 chicks. There were a few casualties to kestrels and herring gulls but the team of RSPB staff and 40 local volunteers helped keep losses down.'
Common Terns - Ferrybridge, 6th August 2014 © Pete Saunders