Although the day itself saw frequent spells of heavy cloud roll through, the hours of darkness had been mainly clear and certainly not very helpful on the migrant front. The expected commoner migrants were all represented, albeit not in any particularly worthwhile quantities bar totals of 172 Ringed Plover at Ferrybridge and 30 Cormorants through over the Bill; 3 Snipe and 2 Grey Wagtails also overhead the Bill were both first records for the autumn, whilst 22 Manx Shearwaters, 8 Balearic Shearwaters and a Great Skua passed by on the sea there.
Fulmar and Kestrel - Portland Bill, 20th and 21st August 2014 © Joe Stockwell (Fulmar) and Joe Mitchell (Kestrel)
...Fulmar passage is likely often masked by the comings and goings of the local population but yesterday's grey-headed bird was certainly a non-local.