The beginnings of the forecast change in the weather became increasing evident as a veil of cloud rolled in from the west through the day; however, bar a few spots early in the evening, the predicted rain hadn't materialised by dusk. Although there was a scatter of grounded migrants in evidence around the centre and south of the island, including 50 Wheatears, 35 Willow Warblers and singles of Redstart and Grasshopper Warbler at the Bill, it was busier overhead, with a light passage of hirundines, 40 Yellow Wagtails, 14 Swifts and 13 Tree Pipits amongst the assortment over the Bill. Sea interest has at least temporarily died a death, with a lone Arctic Skua just about the only bird of note off the Bill.
After it having been rather quiet overhead through the summer and early autumn, visible migrants are now beginning to feature in increasing quantities; have a listen to a few snippets from the soundscape over the Obs this morning: