7th March
An overcast and occasionally damp dawn was maybe a shade
disappointing in not dropping a few thrushes, but once skies cleared there were
visible migrants on the move even if precious little showed up on the ground.
In terms of quality it was the singles of Iceland Gull and Kumlien's Gull off
Chesil Cove in the morning and Iceland Gull through off the Bill during the
afternoon that stole the show, but the migrant tally picked up a little: alba
wagtails and Meadow Pipits trickled over in some numbers, with 2 Kestrels, a
Sparrowhawk and a Reed Bunting providing further interest at the Bill; on the
ground there was a new Chiffchaff at Blacknor. Sea passage included 22 Brent
Geese, 8 Common Scoter and 4 Red-throated Divers off the Bill and 26 Brent
Geese and 3 Red-throated Diver off Chesil Cove.