13th March
With Portland missing out on the murky conditions evidently
widespread over the mainland, fieldwork was a pleasure on another remarkably
balmy day. The day's chief rewards were fly-bys: a Marsh Harrier over the Bill
shortly after dawn and a Little Ringed Plover heading north along West Cliffs
later in the morning. A steady trickle of incoming Meadow Pipits and alba
wagtails were again evident, whilst grounded arrivals included 20 Wheatears, 15
Chiffchaffs and 2 Redwings at the Bill; singles of Black Redstart and Firecrest
at the Bill and Black Redstart at Reap Lane lingered on from previous days,
whilst the Iceland Gull was again at Ferrybridge. The sea was again very quiet,
with 15 passing Brent Geese the only worthwhile sighting from the Bill.