23rd March
Despite what would for incoming migrants have been a brisk and chilly headwind - the sort of conditions we sometimes do quite well on - there were few signs of passage getting going in any worthwhile quantity: 3 White Wagtails at the Bill and 3 Siskins at Avalanche Road were noteworthy new arrivals but the likes of Wheatears and Chiffchaffs hardly featured. Two Black Redstarts remained at the Bill, the Iceland Gull was again at Chesil Cove/Ferrybridge and 2 Black Guillemots were off Portland Castle (...is it a new second individual or a reappearance of the bird last seen more than three weeks ago?). Seawatching at the Bill came up with 3 Manx Shearwaters, 2 Red-throated Divers and a Great Northern Diver.