19th-23rd June

 19th June

Another good shearwater showing this mrng with c350 Manx and c100 Balearics off the Bill; 18 Common Scoter settled offshore + 10 commic terns and an Arctic Skua thru. Migrants: a Willow Warbler new at the Obs and another single Sand Martin thru overhead.

— Portland Bird Observatory (@portlandbirdobs.bsky.social) Jun 19, 2024 at 22:28

20th June

Shearwaters continued with c400 Manx and c160 Balearics logged at the Bill; autumn Common Scoter passage also got going with 85 west, 10 returning Med Gulls were offshore and singles of Sooty Shearwater and Arctic Skua passed by. Quiet on the land: a Yellow Wagtail over and 13 Swallows leaving south

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— Portland Bird Observatory (@portlandbirdobs.bsky.social) Jun 20, 2024 at 22:34

21st June

A balmy mill-pond calm morning eventually gave way to wind and rain by dusk and the day's shearwaters reflected the conditions: c90 becalmed Balearics through the mrng and 500+ Manx streaming east during the evening. An Arctic Skua and 50+ Med Gulls also off the Bill. Just a new Reed W on the land.

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— Portland Bird Observatory (@portlandbirdobs.bsky.social) Jun 21, 2024 at 23:29

22nd June

Still at least 50 Balearics lingering off the Bill with one observer tapping into a strong movement of 290 leaving to the west early in the day; also c300 Manx thru and an Arctic Skua still offshore. 2 departing Sand Martins the only passerines of note. Summering GNDiver still in Portland Harbour

— Portland Bird Observatory (@portlandbirdobs.bsky.social) Jun 22, 2024 at 22:50

23rd June

A Corn Bunting trapped in the Crown Estate Field this mrng. Once one of the commonest farmland breeding birds at Portland, agricultural change saw them lost as a breeding bird during the 1980s; although more than 300 have been ringed at the Bill it's 40 years since the last one was trapped here!

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— Portland Bird Observatory (@portlandbirdobs.bsky.social) Jun 23, 2024 at 9:28