15th and 16th June

 15th June

This summer's incursion of Balearic Shearwaters into local waters gathered momentum: 19 thru off the Bill today; plenty of Manx still offshore + the Sooty mentioned earlier, 2 Arctic Skuas and 10 Sandwich Terns. Grey Plover still at Ferrybridge.

— Portland Bird Observatory (@portlandbirdobs.bsky.social) Jun 15, 2024 at 22:39

16th June

Far fewer Manx offshore today and just 2 Balearics through off the Bill A Short-eared Owl a surprise on East Cliffs at the Bill. Family party of Lesser Whitethroats in the hut fields - only the second breeding record south of Southwell. Norfolk Hawker at Suckthumb.

— Portland Bird Observatory (@portlandbirdobs.bsky.social) Jun 16, 2024 at 22:34

Hundreds of Pyramidal Orchid along the East Weares on Portland today including just one example of this white form starting to flower.

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— Paul Harris (@paulupwey.bsky.social) Jun 16, 2024 at 16:26