They may get all the hype but when was the last time a stiff easterly actually did us much good? Another pretty abject showing today despite a good deal more fieldwork than we've grown accustomed to so far this autumn. To be fair, with no change in the conditions no great change was expected in the parlous migrant situation but just the smallest morsel of quality out of all the legwork would have been nice.
For good reason, the scavengers are gathering around a once great migration watchpoint now reduced to ornithological penury...
Portland Bill
Migrants Swallow 200n, Wheatear 45, Yellow Wagtail 15, Willow Warbler 10, Tree Pipit 6, Whinchat 5, Yellow-legged Gull 3, Redstart 2, with singles including Lesser Whitethroat and Goldcrest.
Sea passage Black-headed Gull 15, Balearic Shearwater 9, Common Scoter 9, Teal 1
Pied Flycatcher 3.
Knot 2, Curlew Sandpiper 1.
Selected immigrants Obs: Rusty-dot Pearl 40, Rush Veneer 30, Pearly Underwing 5, Turnip 3, Dark Sword Grass 2, Silver Y 2, Diamond-back 1, European Corn-borer 1, Bordered Straw 1.
We've got a bit of a backlog of spot the differences photos from the last couple of weeks so to start with here are a couple of male Redstarts; this is an adult male - a bird born before this year...
...and here's a first-year male - a bird born this summer © Martin Cade: