10th August
Hot news of rather more significant migration events on the East Coast dampened our enjoyment of another small arrival of common migrants even if it did provide some anticipation of a trickle down to look forward to. From being notable absentees Pied Flycatchers were elevated in one fell swoop to being one of the day's most conspicuous arrivals with 6 at the Bill and at least another 3 around the centre of the island; Willow Warbler and Wheatear maintained top spot for numbers, reaching 40 apiece at the Bill, with 2 Spotted Flycatchers the best of the rest on the ground there. Overhead, an Osprey headed north over Southwell, Tree Pipits totalled 7 at the Bill, with the likes of 2 Kestrels, a Black-tailed Godwit and a Siskin providing additional vis-mig interest there. A Greenshank was the pick of the waders at Ferrybridge.