The Dartford Warbler trapped today was the 37th for the obs and was, rather surprisingly, an adult female ©Martin Cade:
20th October
Calm and chilly, the day started with a strong visible (but high) migration of alba Wagtails, Meadow Pipits and Chaffinches. Present during a vis-mig on the west cliffs were singles of Ring Ouzel and Merlin, two each of Mistle and Song Thrush and seven Brambling. The highlight from a steady days ringing was a Dartford Warbler from the crown fields. Elsewhere on the island, a pair of Yellow-browed Warblers were in a mixed flock of Firecrests, Goldcrests and Chiffchaffs at Old Hill (as well as singles of Yellow-browed at Southwell school, Wakeham and Thumb Lane); there were Ring Ouzels at the obs quarry, Easton (2) and Penn's Weare, as well as a further two Mistle Thrushes at Southwell in the afternoon.