The insect highlight was a Vagrant Emperor at Gore Quarry (near the junction of Weston Street and Southwell Street); a Red-veined Darter was at Coombefield and Clouded Yellows were still on the wing at many sites. Two more Radford's Flame Shoulders and a Vestal were the pick of a surprisingly good haul of immigrants from the Obs moth-traps.
The last few years have seen a remarkable surge in Vagrant Emperor records at Portland but, since the majority of reports have been of flying insects seen just briefly, it remains a really tricky species to actually get to grips with on the island; Joe deserves a lot of credit for following up yesterday's sighting and managing to find this settled specimen a few hundred metres away © Joe Stockwell:
Yellowhammer from the mist-nets in our Stewardship crops in the Crown Estate Field © Martin Cade:
The clear skies of recent days have afforded plenty of nice photo opportunities © Martin King: