A bit of a soggy one today with super fine rain that never failed to drench any birder who dared venture out into the field. Yesterday's
Little Bunting was relocated in the Top Fields feeding away in the drizzle. The rain did not deter some of the commoner migrants with another strong showing from
Goldfinches and
Skylarks. It was another good day for
Black Redstarts with two at the Bill and two near Portland Castle. A
Firecrest at the obs and a
Goldcrest in Culverwell were the only crests located throughout the day and a single
browed Warbler was at the Grove.
Despite being a relatively unmarked bird, the Little Bunting in the top fields was definitely the highlight of a very wet day ©Matt Ames:
At least in terms of scarcer immigrant variety/numbers last night was the best mothing night of the year to date, with singles of Maize Moth Spolodea recurvalis and Old World Webworm Hellula undalis the highlights at the Obs:
...we also managed to coax yesterday's Clifden Nonpareil into showing its prettier bits © Martin Cade: