It seems like only days ago that there was a noticeable transition from early to mid autumn fare so it was quite a surprise when today came up with signs of passage moving even further down the line, as the first Siskins (2 over the Bill) were on the move overhead and the first Goldcrests (singles at the Bill and Southwell) and a Reed Bunting (at Reap Lane) showed up on the ground. A crystal-clear morning had seen most of the usual suspects on the move overhead; none was especially numerous at the Bill where 30 Tree Pipits represented the only notable count and another passing Hobby was as good as it got by way of quality. The spread on the ground was varied albeit relatively thin, with a new Wryneck at Suckthumb Quarry the only oddity unearthed.
The first Olive-tree Pearl of the year at the Obs was the pick of the overnight moth catch.