With the amount of birding talent present at the obs this weekend, the anticipation was high for something to be turned up. However, much like yesterday, we were struggling to pick up migrants let alone any of rarity value. Migrants recorded included: 1
Short-eared Owl, 1
Whimbrel, 4
Yellow Wagtails, 2
Tree Pipits, 2
Spotted Flycatchers, 2
Pied Flycatchers, 22
Wheatears (4 additional birds at Barleycrates), 9
Whinchats (5 additional birds at Barleycrates), 10
Blackcaps, 8
Whitethroats, and 2
Lesser Whitethroats. Sea watching produced similar numbers to yesterday with: 2
Balearic Shearwaters, 1
Manx Shearwater, 21
Common Scoter, 1
Diver sp., 2
Black-headed Gulls, 2
Dunlin and 1
Ringed Plover.
The highlights of the day came from the insect world in the forms of a Red-veined Darter that showed excellently for most of our guests. The second came from the first Western Conifer Seed Bugs of the year, these distinctive bugs were introduced to Europe in 1999 and have spread across Southern England since then © Martin Cade:
The waders at Ferrybridge continued to perform admirably for the camera and this pair of confiding Sanderlings and agile Common Sandpiper are no exceptions © Debby Saunders (top), © Pete Saunders (Bottom):