With the temperature seeming to skyrocket today, it could have easily been written off as another baking day with no birds. However, two factors went in our favour 1. Its August. 2. Today was an Ant day and the swirling masses of flying ants generated quite the frenzy amongst all the insectivorous visitors (and the ever opportunistic Gulls). As a result, this afternoons Swift flock reached over 250 birds, Hirundines followed with over 100 Swallows, 21 Sand Martins and 5 House Martins. The migrant front was looking more promising with a Reed Warbler in the crown estate, an unringed Pied Flycatcher at the Obs, a Grasshopper Warbler and a Wheatear in the top fields, 4 Sedge Warblers and 5 Willow Warblers. A Little-ringed Plover was also sighted over Blacknor to add to the species tallies. The Sparrowhawks seem to have had a successful year with our regular orange-chested male appearing with an adult female and two juvs (a male and a female) to terrorise the Linnet flock which is now over 300 strong in the top fields.
The sea was far from eventful today with final totals coming to just 11 Yellow-legged Gulls, 1 Black-headed Gull, 5 Mediterranean Gulls and 1 apiece of Manx Shearwater and Balearic Shearwater. Ferrybridge also maintained a steady rate with 1 Sanderling, 12 Dunlin, 5 Turnstone and 4 Little Terns.
There was some excitement on the Moth front as a probable Jersey Mocha was trapped. Besides this, the regulars included 19 Silver Y, 4 Dark Sword Grass, 1 Rusty-dot Pearl and 2 Diamond-back Moths.
The soaring flock of Swifts produced a great deal of entertainment as they banked and glided after their winged prey. Unfortunately there were no white bellies among them ©Erin Taylor:
A Pied Flycatcher in the early morning sun should be enough to get anyone out of bed ©Erin Taylor: