Busy days have been at a premium thus far this this autumn so today's half decent little flurry of grounded migrants at the Bill was very welcome. Willow Warblers totalled 70, whilst the back ups included 25 Wheatears, 20 Whitethroats and 15 Sedge Warblers, with Grasshopper Warbler, Reed Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat and Pied Flycatcher all chipping in with singles or twos. Overhead passage begun soon after first light with 6 Tree Pipits, 2 Grey Wagtails and 2 Yellow Wagtails but faltered after the first small wave of hirundines had passed through. Routine fare in the wader line at Ferrybridge included 66 Ringed Plovers, 55 Dunlin and a Sanderling, whilst 4 Balearic Shearwaters through off the Bill constituted the day's only worthwhile sea passage.
On a cooler night than of late 3 more Convolvulus Hawkmoths (2 at the Obs and 1 at the Grove) were the best of the immigrant moths.