Today's Cuckoo at Southwell © Nick Stantiford:
24th April
Still largely hopeless for common migrants today but one or two morsels of quality gave the list a hint of respectability. A Hoopoe - no doubt the bird seen briefly a couple of days ago - popped up equally briefly again at Southwell where a Cuckoo was the pick of the day's new arrivals; 3 Whinchats, 2 each of White Wagtail and Redstart, and singles of Common Sandpiper, Yellow Wagtail, Lesser Whitethroat and Firecrest were the best of the arrivals at the Bill where 35 Wheatears and 25 Willow Warblers were the only worthwhile common migrant totals. The spring's first Pomarine Skua was the highlight off the Bill where 7 Great Skuas and 6 Arctic Skuas also passed through.