A reminder that there's an In Focus field event at the Obs between 10am and 4pm this Saturday, 28th April.
Not that the conditions looked in any way suitable to have expected much to have happened, but this week's turn of events with migrants getting fewer by the day - just as they might have been expected to be reaching their seasonal peak numbers - has been dispiriting for those taking the trouble to be out looking. The single figure totals of the most routine species on offer at the Bill aren't really worth a mention, but singles of Merlin, Hobby, White Wagtail and Firecrest did provide a modicum of interest there. In the brisk and freshening westerly the sea came up with a little more including c1500 Manx Shearwaters, 12 Great Skuas, 2 each of Red-throated Diver and Pomarine Skua, and a single Arctic Skua.
Another one of yesterday's Cuckoo at Southwell © Nick Stantiford: