Although the wind had dropped significantly it was still far too strong to permit easy coverage of the land, with the shift into the dreaded northwest ensuring there was an abrupt end to sea interest. Visible passage was actually quite strong, with a steady movement of departing
Wood Pigeons,
Starlings and
Chaffinches over and offshore at the Bill;
Siskins were also well represented but, as with the commoner species, their passage wasn't fully quantified. Fieldwork on the land did uncover a few patches where
Chiffchaffs and
'crests were quite numerous, with 11
Firecrests at Pennsylvania Castle and at least another 10 still around the Obs; single
Yellow-browed Warblers at Sweethill and Penn's Weare were the only oddities discovered, with 2
Black Redstarts at the Bill also of minor note. Odds and ends logged by the seawatchers included singles of
Great Northern Diver,
Storm Petrel,
Great Skua and
Arctic Skua through off the Bill, whilst the
Pale-bellied Brent Goose and singles of
Sanderling and
Bar-tailed Godwit were at Ferrybridge.
Vestals were the only immigrant moths trapped overnight at the Obs.
The Pale-bellied Brent with a Dark-bellied Brent at Ferrybridge © Debby Saunders: