A bit of all sorts today, with one or two scarce migrants on the land and the brisk southwesterly perking up interest on the sea. A Hawfinch bombing around the Obs/hut fields area for a while at dawn, a Yellow-browed Warbler at Avalanche Road and singles of Dartford Warbler and Firecrest at the Bill were the high-spots on the land, where grounded migrant numbers were perhaps lower than might have been hoped under heavy cloud cover and with drizzle in the air soon after dawn. A pulse of 20 Sooty Shearwaters through off the Bill made for some of the better seawatching of recent weeks, even if the rest of the day's tally there consisted of nothing more than 28 Common Scoter and a Great Skua.
On a very mild night the moth-traps were busier although immigrant interest at the Obs consisted of just 3 Delicates, 2 Rusty-dot Pearl and a Radford's Flame Shoulder.