Overnight rain dropped a small arrival of mainly
Chiffchaffs but with the eventual clearance not reaching the island until mid-morning they were difficult to get amongst before most had moved on. At least 25
Chiffchaffs - along with 7
Wheatears, 2
Black Redstarts, a
Golden Plover and a
Blackcap (as well as several lingering
Short-eared Owls) - were logged at the Bill, whilst 3
Blackcaps and 2
Willow Warblers at Thumb Lane were amongst the sprinkle elsewhere; the
Hume's Warbler also remained at Thumb Lane. Seawatching at the Bill came up with 18
Common Scoter, 4
Sandwich Terns and 2
Red-throated Divers, whilst a
Great Northern Diver passed over Ferrybridge and 8
Sandwich Terns, 2
Eider and a
Black-necked Grebe were in Portland Harbour.
The Great Northern Diver and one of the Sandwich Terns from Ferrybridge/Portland Harbour this morning © Pete Saunders:
A Peacock butterfly at the Obs making the most the lovely warm, sunny afternoon that followed the wet early morning © Ken Dolbear: