A brilliantly moonlit night and crystal clear dawn didn't bode well on the numbers front and it was certainly much quieter than yesterday. At the Bill both
Wheatear and
Chiffchaff just about managed double figure totals, with 3
Long-tailed Tits and singles of
Redwing and
Black Redstart the best of the rest on the ground there;
alba wagtails,
Meadow Pipits and
Chaffinches also trickled overhead there. A similar light scatter elsewhere included 2
White Wagtails at Suckthumb and 150
Mediterranean Gulls still at Ferrybridge. The sea was pretty quiet in the light offshore breeze, with 7
Mediterranean Gulls, 5
Brent Geese, 5
Common Scoter and a
Red-throated Diver the best off the Bill.
The clear night was much poorer for moths, with immigrant interest consisting of just 3
Diamond-back Moth, a
Dark Sword Grass and a
Turnip at the Obs and a
Rush Veneer at the Grove.
We're guessing this ringed Long-tailed Tit at the Pulpit Bushes this morning is one of the three individuals that we ringed at the Obs in late January/early February; they've made several other visits to the Bill since then so must be just a little bit interested - perhaps our first ever Bill breeding attempt is in the offing? © Keith Pritchard:
The male Wheatears are looking great at the moment © Mike Hetherington (top - at the Sailing Academy) and Keith Pritchard (bottom - at the Bill):