A something of nothing day on the migrant front with many arrivals not lingering for long in the gloriously warm and sunny conditions. An Ortolan Bunting that was watched lifting off from the Bill and heading away to the north and an Osprey that flew south over Ferrybridge were the only oddities, whilst selected migrant totals from there included 100 Wheatears, 70 Yellow Wagtails, 40 Willow Warblers and 25 each of Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat. Four Bar-tailed Godwits and a Knot were the best of the waders at Ferrybridge.
With the exception of the island's fifth records of Jersey Mocha at Reap Lane and Channel Isles Pug at Sweethill - both species that may prove to be in the course of becoming established - the night's immigrant moth action was confined to routine fare, with totals from the Obs of 135 Rusty-dot Pearl, 20 Rush Veneer, 16 Silver Y, 11 Dark Sword Grass, 8 Diamond-back Moth and 3 Vestals.
Adonis Blue and Common Lizard - Cheyne Weare, 26th August 2016 © Ken Dolbear