On the lepidoptera front the recent plague of Diamond-back Moths - with back-up influxes of Silver Y and Painted Lady - has maybe also masked the general paucity of other routine immigrants and dispersers, particularly with the conditions having looked pretty promising just lately. The overnight moth catch included Diamond-back Moth totals of 375 in one trap at the Grove, 323 in five traps at the Obs and 145 in one traps at Sweethill; a total of 4 more Orange Footman scattered amongst the traps were easily the best of the rest. By day there was a notable count of at least 200 Silver Y on the Slopes at the Bill.
Lulworth Skipper - Bottomcombe, 11th June 2016 © Ken Dolbear
...Ken tells us that this male - which is the first sighting we've heard of on the island this year - is the first he's recorded at Bottomcombe, which (mainly through Ken's dedicated fieldwork) is turning out to be real butterfly hotspot.