No immigrants made it into the Obs garden moth-traps overnight, but during the evening a Diamond-back Moth was attracted to a lighted window at the Obs.
Kingfisher and Sandwich Tern - Portland Harbour, 28th January 2016 © Pete Saunders
...and also thanks to Pete Saunders for a photo of this colour-ringed Great Black-backed Gull that was at Ferrybridge the day before yesterday; Fabrice Gallien has kindly let us know that it was ringed as a nestling on 23rd June last year across the Channel at Chausey, Normandy - an area whence a fair number of our 'non-local' Great Black-backs seem to originate:
And continuing our current mission of making more of our data accessible online, we've cobbled together a spreadsheet of our daily ringing totals that'll be easy to keep up-to-date in tandem with the daily blog updates - fairly obviously there's precious little going on at the moment, but just wait until the spring...