Distinctly chillier but - as a very welcome change - dry from dawn 'til dusk today. Another lone passing Siskin, this one over Verne Common, was new today, whilst the Black-necked Grebe tally in Portland Harbour increased to 13; 6 Great Northern Divers and a Slavonian Grebe were also in the harbour and 5 Red-throated Divers and 3 Common Scoter passed through off the Bill. Lingerers/winterers elsewhere included 5 Purple Sandpipers, 3 Black Redstarts, 2 Short-eared Owls and a Blackcap at the Bill and 2 Black Redstarts at Chesil Cove.
Short-eared Owls, Blackcap and Rock Pipit - Southwell and Portland Bill, 11th January 2016 © Martin King (SEOwl upper), Pete Saunders (SEOwl lower) and Joe Stockwell (Blackcap and Rock Pipit)