Another lovely day that was to a great extent saved from the birding point of view by the appearance of a Hoopoe that flew in off the sea near the Obs during the morning and was eventually refound late in the afternoon between the Higher Light and Privet Hedge. Both the Wryneck at the Pulpit Bushes and the Nightingale at the Obs Quarry also lingered on but migrant interest was largely limited to overflying hirundines and Siskins. Numbers on the ground were as thin as might have been expected in the conditions, with only Wheatear, Whitethroat, Blackcap and Willow Warbler getting into double figures at the Bill. Passing hirundines were an ever-present although unquantified feature at the Bill where a minimum of 210 Siskins also passed over (once again, many high-flying flocks were only heard and so couldn't be counted).
Immigrant butterflies increased conspicuously, with several Clouded Yellows of particular note at the Bill and active northbound passage of 5-10 Red Admirals per minute logged along the Causeway during the afternoon.
The overnight catch of immigrant moths was considerably poorer than of late, with singles of Marbled Yellow Pearl and Convolvulus Hawk-moth the best on offer at the Obs.
Hoopoe, Chiffchaff, Linnets, Red Underwing and Marbled Yellow Pearl - Portland Bill, Ferrybridge and Southwell, 7th September 2015 © Martin Cade (Hoopoe and Marbled Yellow Pearl), Martin King (Chiffchaff), Pete Saunders (Linnets) and Debby Saunders (Red Underwing)