Anorth-westerly breeze and clear skies saw to it that there was a very autumnal chill in the air at dawn. Despite these unpromising conditions the day's tally wasn't too bad, with a reasonably varied list of routine migrants in small numbers as back-up for the Pulpit Bushes Wryneck that remained in situ. It was busiest overhead, with 61 Siskins, 50 Yellow Wagtails and 10 Tree Pipits through along with a steady movement of hirundines over the Bill and 27 Oystercatchers and 6 Redshanks through at Ferrybridge; grounded migrants weren't plentiful but included the likes of 7 Pied Flycatchers at the Bill and 17 Knot at Ferrybridge.
Unexpectedly good numbers of immigrant moths were again on the wing overnight, with the Obs moth-traps attracting 61 Dark Sword Grass and singles of Cosmopolitan and Ni Moth amongst a wide variety of other common and scarcer immigrants.