The fresh easterly wind remained firmly established and, after a day that had otherwise largely drawn a blank, events in the evening suggested there had finally been a response from some birds, with reports of first a Red Kite over Weston and later a Common Rosefinch heard singing at Southwell. An unseasonable and a possibly sickly Red-breasted Merganser settled off East Cliffs was the best of the day's sightings at the Bill, where singles of Blackcap and Chiffchaff were new in and an 'into the wind' movement of more than 100 Swifts developed during the afternoon. Ferrybridge again hosted the last remnants of spring wader passage - 4 Sanderling and 2 Dunlin today - whilst 2 Mediterranean Gulls were also there.
A single Hummingbird Hawk-moth was at the Obs during the afternoon.
The moth-traps were unexpectedly busy after what looked to have been a cool, blustery night, with the Obs immigrant totals consisting of 16 Diamond-back Moth, 8 Small Mottled Willow, 5 Bordered Straw, 2 Silver Y and singles of Rush Veneer and Striped Hawk-moth; quality from the other garden traps included additional Bordered Straws at Sweethill (1), Reap Lane (3) and the Grove (2), and Small Mottled Willows at Sweethill (2) and the Grove (1).