It almost goes without saying that the prevailing anticyclonic conditions remained firmly established and it remained warm and sunny all day. The lack of change in the weather is no doubt the main factor in it also remaining quiet on the bird front, with precious little of note beyond the first 2 departing Sand Martins and yet another new Chiffchaff at the Bill and 9 Common Scoter and 3 Manx Shearwaters through on the sea there.
No unexpectedly considering the current warmth, the moth-traps remained very busy indeed, with a slightly more varied catch of immigrants and wanderers evident at the Obs: 21 Rusty-dot Pearl, 2 each of Diamond-back Moth, Cream-bordered Green Pea and Silver Y and singles of Hummingbird Hawk-moth, Orange Footman, Dark Sword Grass, Obscure Wainscot and Delicate.
A reminder for Obs members that this year's AGM will take place on Saturday 12th July; the agenda for the meeting is available on the Notices page.