In rather samey weather there's just been a rather samey selection of mainly routine winterers to report from the last few days. Out and about on the land, a Siskin briefly on the bird feeders at the Obs on 11th was the first this winter, the Purple Sandpipers at the Bill tip have peaked at 6 and other winterers in the vicinity have included up to 40 Linnets, 2 Chiffchaffs, 2 Reed Buntings, a Snipe, a Black Redstart and a Firecrest; elsewhere, another half a dozen or so Black Redstarts have included the first for a long time at Blacknor. Portland Harbour totals have included up to 9 Great Northern Divers, 8 Common Scoter, 5 Black-necked Grebes and 2 Black-throated Divers, whilst nearby at Ferrybridge the customary January peak of Mediterranean Gulls has reached 1600 on 15th. Offshore interest has included an isolated winter peak to date of c25000 auks off the Bill on 10th (but far fewer since then) and lower numbers of Red-throated Divers than usual, with a peak of 18 on 10th.