It was yet another unseasonably mild day, but with a distinct feel of fewer migrants around against the backdrop of an ever increasing south-westerly wind. Around the bill, a total of 6
Redwing, 2
Song Thrush, 2
Snipe and 2
Chiffchaff were recorded (1 of which was the ringed
Siberian Chiffchaff). At sea, 7
Common Scoter, 5
Red-throated Diver, and singles of
Great Northern Diver and
Black-throated Diver were logged passed the bill. A further 2
Great Northern Divers were present in the harbour alongside 9
Red-Breasted Mergansers and a
Black Redstart at the marina. Lastly, the
Wheatear remained at Ferrybridge.
Tucked away at the very top of the crown estate field, today marked the first time the lingering Tristis Chiffchaff was seen since the 16th November © Jodie Henderson