10th July

After a couple of pretty miserable wet days today's sunshine was welcome, albeit always being slightly tempered by a brisk southwesterly. Waders continued to dominate the migrant tally, with 39 Dunlin, 5 Common Sandpipers and 3 Redshank at Ferrybridge, 7 Common Sandpipers and 4 Dunlin settled at the Bill and another 13 Dunlin through on the sea there. Passerines were a dismal poor relation, with just a lone Sand Martin through at the Bill. The sea continued to provide a little interest, with 17 Common Scoter, 11 Sandwich Terns, 2 Puffins (perhaps 'outsiders' since the local duo haven't been reported for several days), a Manx Shearwater and an Arctic Skua amongst others through off the Bill. Eight Shelduck were also at Ferrybridge.

The good run of Common Sandpipers continued and with almost no coverage of, for example, the Harbour breakwaters and the shoreline below the East and West Weares the numbers being logged are surely only a proportion of those present around the island as a whole © Pete Saunders:

The weather was nicely conducive to getting amongst a good selection of commoner invertebrates; Broad-bodied Chasers at Culverwell © Roy Norris:

And plenty of lepidoptera around the north of the island: