24th February

Common Gulls were today's most numerous mover: more than 50 passed the Bill during a few fairly brief seawatches after dawn, with some movement still afoot through the afternoon; 3 Red-throated and singles of both Black-throated and Great Northern Divers also passed by and 20 Common Scoter and 2 Eider were still settled offshore. A Merlin was still at the Bill, whilst elsewhere the Rosy Starling was at Easton, 3 Black-necked Grebes remained in Portland Harbour and 2 Knot were back at Ferrybridge.

There can't be many more days of Black-necked Grebe presence left this winter © Pete Saunders:

An at least 40cm eel proved to be hard work for this Cormorant in Portland Harbour: at one point it dropped its victim that proved to be too heavy for a Great Black-backed Gull to lift from the water and after 10 minutes struggle the Cormorant did eventually manage to swallow its meal © Pete Saunders: