9th September

A blip in the blue skies of late with the first torrential downpour for a while. In the small gap between storms a swift trip around the bill and surrounding areas produced: the lingering Wryneck, 11 Grey Wagtails, two Yellow Wagtails and 16 Blackcaps. Once the rain clouds closed in once more it was left to the sea to top up the list, Arctic Skuas were the most prevalent species with 6 west throughout the day but the highlight came in the form of a lone Sooty Shearwater. Ferrybridge was busy once more, highlights included a Little Stint, two Bar-tailed Godwits, a Redshank, and three Sanderlings

Although they have been avoiding the nets pretty successfully, Grey Wagtails have been a prominent feature of the avifauna over the past week © Nick Stantiford:

The Hummingbird Hawkmoths continue to come despite the changing forecast ©  Steve Copsey: