Not much change today save for the appearance of a
Great Skua amongst the gull flock off the Bill. The
Black Brant showed up again at Ferrybridge, 2
Black-throated Divers were still in Portland Harbour and other regulars included singles of
Black Redstart and
Blackcap at Weston, 2
Redwings and a
Firecrest at Pennsylvania Castle, the
Black Redstart at Church Ope Cove and singles of
Chiffchaff and
Firecrest at the Bill. Eight
Red-throated Divers passed through off the Bill.
A party of 10 or so
Bottle-nosed Dolphins lingered off East Cliffs at the Bill for a while during the morning.
Judging by the numbers of bass fishermen still active off the Bill - and the increasing numbers of common seabirds lingering there - there's plenty of food about for the Bottle-nosed Dolphins © Martin Cade:
The Black Brant pitched up again at Ferrybridge this morning © Pete Saunders: