The gaping holes exposed in many of the trees around the Obs garden after an extraordinary amount of leaf-fall would have been useful during last week's Greenish/Two-barred Greenish episode and might yet prove handy before the spring's out:
The strength of the wind was enough to literally rip apart quite a few of our carefully nurtured Tree Mallows:
Manx Shearwaters were an ever-present feature offshore even if their numbers didn't approach yesterday's tally © Martin King (top) and Martin Cade (bottom):

One or two of the day's Storm Petrels looked to be passing straight through but the majority of sightings were of lingering birds and we suspect that very few individuals were involved - gone are the days of 20 or so years ago when counts of way into three figures would have been quite routine on windy days at this time of year © Martin Cade: