Not quite what you expect to find when you're heading home for tea and stop to have a quick check through the gulls below Culverwell:
24th October
There's no doubt that wet weather was overdue but to have an almost complete washout was disappointing when it looked as though today had plenty of potential. Early rounds of the Bill area came up with a fair spread of grounded migrants amongst which thrushes were particularly conspicuous; the lingering Hen Harrier, together with 10 Lapwings, 2 Snipe, a Merlin, a Black Redstart and a late Whitethroat all provided interest there, whilst a late Turtle Dove put in an appearance at Reap Lane. A Pallas's Warbler was discovered at Avalanche Road as soon as other areas begun to get some attention but this coincided with the rain setting in and spoiling further attempts at meaningful fieldwork elsewhere, although a late clearance did allow for the discovery of a rather incongruous Spoonbill grounded amongst gulls at the Bill.