Peregrine - Portland Bill, 12th March 2016 © Roger Hewitt
As might be expected at this time of year, it's been pretty quiet on the ringing front; however, today did see the first 'control' of the year: a Goldfinch which a quick check revealed had first been ringed in Weymouth - by Ian Dodd in his garden at Littlesea - on 15th October last year:
...fortunately, our ageing of this individual concurred with Ian's: it was a first-year last October and was a second-year today (such things aren't necessarily a given, since ageing isn't always the exact science that some folk would like you to believe - we have plenty of cases amongst the recoveries and controls on our books of birds that have apparently exhibited a peculiar Benjamin Button-esque trait of ageing in reverse!):
As might be expected at this time of year, it's been pretty quiet on the ringing front; however, today did see the first 'control' of the year: a Goldfinch which a quick check revealed had first been ringed in Weymouth - by Ian Dodd in his garden at Littlesea - on 15th October last year:
...fortunately, our ageing of this individual concurred with Ian's: it was a first-year last October and was a second-year today (such things aren't necessarily a given, since ageing isn't always the exact science that some folk would like you to believe - we have plenty of cases amongst the recoveries and controls on our books of birds that have apparently exhibited a peculiar Benjamin Button-esque trait of ageing in reverse!):