Yesterday's fair weather didn't last and was replaced by pretty miserable conditions today, with frequent drizzle blowing through on a brisk and chilly easterly. The quality of the birding actually improved, with new arrivals that included a Puffin settled off the Bill, a Blackcap at Southwell, a Short-eared Owl at Verne Common and a Little Gull at Ferrybridge. Routine fare included 2 Chiffchaffs and a Blackcap at the Obs, 3 Red-throated Divers through on the sea at the Bill, 2 Chiffchaffs at Portland Castle and 155 Dunlin at Ferrybridge.
We also received encouraging news from Nick Hopper of what seems likely - given the absence of any cold weather - to be the first signs of spring passage: Nick gave his recording equipment another outing the night before last (10th/11th) and logged 3 Redwings and singles of Song Thrush and Blackbird over the Obs.
Blackcap - Southwell, 12th February 2016 © David Rashley