24th October
Fortunately it's still far too early to write off the autumn but sustained passage really has ground to a halt for the moment, with standard late autumn fare like the thrushes all but non-existent today. There was little in any numbers on the ground, with the most visible newcomers being a sprinkle more Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests everywhere; new Firecrests at the Obs (2) and Suckthumb Quarry, and a late Reed Warbler at the Obs were noteworthy, whilst at least 2 Short-eared Owls lingered on at the Bill and another passed over at Blacknor. Conditions were hardly favourable for much overhead passage but Starlings were still on the move with 300 arriving from the south at the Bill. In a fresh onshore wind there had been hopes that sea interest might perk up but, a Sooty Shearwater off the Bill aside, passage consisted of little more than a light trickle of Kittiwakes and auks.