Some of our rather impoverished-looking crops in the conservation fields have been crying out for rain for weeks and they finally got their wish today - hardly a downpour but constant-enough drizzle that some good must have been done. From the birding point of view the low cloud and reduced visibility associated with the drizzle became an issue as the day wore on, but not before there'd been signs of a fair bit of sea passage getting going; 73 Common Scoter, 61 Manx Shearwaters and singles of Arctic Skua, Pomarine Skua and Yellow-legged Gull passed through off the Bill before visibility got too poor from the Obs, whilst a Balearic Shearwater settled off Chesil later in the day hinted that there would have been more to log with a bit more effort. The same or another Yellow-legged Gull dropped in at Ferrybridge, where 10 Dunlin and 3 Whimbrel were also about, whilst a Gannet was patrolling about in Portland Harbour.
Immigrant interest on another decent moth night was deficient enough that only a European Corn-borer at the Grove was worth a mention.