Tawny Pipit, Pomarine Skuas, Great Northern Diver, Spotted Flycatcher, Wheatear and Turtle Dove - Portland Bill, Southwell and Ferrybridge, 9th May 2015 © Martin Cade (Tawny Pipit, Pom Skuas and GN Diver), Pete Saunders (Spot Fly and Wheatear) and Debby Saunders (Turtle Dove)
9th May
Although routine migrants remained almost startlingly few and far between today did come up with plenty of interest: another pulse of Pomarine Skuas entertained on the sea, whilst a Tawny Pipit that showed up in the Crown Estate Field was a very welcome oddity - in fact now so infrequent, not only at Portland but also nationally, that it's evidently recently been re-admitted to the list of 'official' UK rarities. For some, the Pomarine Skuas were as frustrating as they were entertaining, with one party of 10 that shuttled back and forth between Chesil Cove and the Bill before finally departing up-Channel eluding plenty of observers who were chasing after them between the two sites; the final tally was uncertain but it appears that at least another 2 birds were logged at the Cove. Further seabirds included at least 7 Great Skuas, 4 Arctic Skuas and 2 Great Northern Divers through off the two watchpoints. Apart from the Tawny Pipit the land was very disappointing; a Turtle Dove did pitch up at Southwell, but there was little else on the ground bar a handful of Wheatears, Chiffchaffs and Spotted Flycatchers everywhere and singles of Lesser Whitethroat and Whinchat at the Bill.