On a day when the return of heavy cloud cover more or less killed off routine passage there was a most unexpected event in the form of a fall of Blackcaps at the Obs; 16 of the day's ringing total of just 25 migrants were Blackcaps - for mid-March this was an unprecedented event in PBO's history which, bearing in mind the early date and general lack of northbound migrants, would seem most likely to have involved departing winterers. With the likes of Wheatear and Chiffchaff struggling even to get into double figures most of the other migrant interest concerned thrushes: a small passage of Redwings included 26 at the Bill, 12 at Barleycrates Lane and 4 at Chesil Cove, whilst the spring's first Ring Ouzel dropped in at the Obs; 4 Firecrests also lingered on at the Obs and a Black Redstart was again at Reap Lane. The sea remained quiet, with just 13 Brent Geese south at Ferrybridge and Red-throated Divers through off Chesil (2) and the Bill. A Great White Egret reported heading south over Portland Castle would have been a very good Portland record but for it coinciding with a fly-by Little Egret on the same track shortly afterwards - that's one for someone else to sort out!
And something else that'll more likely invite derision than impart education; we did manage a short recording of the Ring Ouzel but the exaggerating effects of the microphone and the presence of a jumpy flock of Wood Pigeons made our inept attempt at being furtive whilst creeping into the holm oak clump after it sound as though the whole episode was conducted on elephant back: