Greylag Geese - Portland Bill, 11th February 2015 © Martin Cade
11th February
More encouraging signs of early spring movement today on a dreary but millpond-calm day. It was again the sea that came up with the numbers, with 81 Red-throated Divers and 2 each of Great Crested Grebe, Brent Goose, Common Scoter and Great Skua through off the Bill, whilst 4 Greylag Geese that appeared high over the Obs also eventually headed away up-Channel well offshore. Most of the day's other reports were from visitors mopping up on the long-stayers: 5 Purple Sandpipers, 2 Pheasants, a Black Redstart and a Blackcap were at the Bill, the Hooded Crow was at Grove pig farm, with a Great Spotted Woodpecker nearby at Broadcroft Quarry, the Black Redstart remained at Portland Castle and 16 Black-necked Grebes, 2 Great Northern Divers, an Eider and the Black Guillemot were in Portland Harbour.